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Co-op Financial Solutions (CFS) draws on the strength, stability, and solid reputation of Tennessee Farmers Cooperative, to provide Co-op members and customers with trusted and appropriate credit and financial products to support their farming operations and rural lifestyle needs.  CFS manages accounts and makes credit decisions for participating cooperatives, which allows the Co-op managers and personnel to focus on customer service rather than financing and collections.

CFS services include:

  • Handling account payments
  • Approving new accounts
  • Maintaining credit limits
  • Offering financing options
  • Administering risk management programs such as crop insurance

For Co-op customers, the CFS process is seamless and secure.  CFS account payments can still be made at Co-op locations along with the convenient option of paying bills online.  Plus, CFS will offer financing programs and options that were never before available at the local Co-op level.

With a total of more than 50 years of credit experience, the knowledgeable staff of CFS is ready to meet the needs of member Co-ops and their customers in a confidential and professional manner.  Every customer will have an Area Financial Manager to offer field support and provide updates on new programs and pertinent issues.  Our lines of communication are always open!

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